The Message of Easter
“…hope for the highest and the best, for, as a child of God, nothing is too good for you. Keep on hoping. Move in that light until you travel through pathways of incarnations to your luminous home in God. Hope is born out of the intuitive consciousness in the Soul that sometime or other we shall remember our forgotten image of God within us. This intuitive consciousness is Faith.”
Paramhansa Yogananda in conversation 1934

Always love first…
Easter arrives in Spring, the time of year when the natural world is slowly waking up from it’s long winter sleep. We are all affected by this beautiful, annual rebirth happening around us, and the hope and renewal it brings. Easter brings an eternal message, one of great love, hope and forgiveness.
Throughout his teachings, Christ repeatedly urges us to show forgiveness, mercy, love, and compassion, to all, even our enemies. He said, turn the other cheek, love your neighbour, love your enemies. Always love first.
The power of Christ’s words and actions during his last days on earth, demonstrate to us his last great message and guidance for us down through the ages. What he taught, he embodied and asks us also to live his teachings in all aspects of live.
“Greater can no love be than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
The love of a great Master for his disciples, is given unconditionally and is eternal. That love is always flowing to us, always blessing us. The disciple’s part is to remember this truth. Whatever is happening around us, in our lives, in our hearts, we are always in the presence of God and the Master’s great, unconditional love for us. We must have faith in every moment that God is working with us, even when we are in anguish over something. God and the Master’s always know what we are going through and want us to trust them to work with us according to their will not ours.
“Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34
These were the first words spoken by Christ from the cross. Think of this, that Christ said those words to God right after he was nailed to the cross. Asking that the karma of those torturing him be taken away. Imagine the world if we could all follow even a little of this incredible act of forgiveness, mercy and compassion.
Faith and hope are always together within us. If we have hope we will have faith, if we have faith we will have hope. Remember the beautiful words of Master in the quote at the beginning, “…you are a child of God, nothing is too good for you.” When a Master speaks, we must listen. They do not waste their words, and they tell us the truth. Each one of us is loved and blessed by God and the great Masters, always and forever, and we must strive to live in that knowledge.
“And Jesus said unto him, verily I say unto thee, today thou shalt be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43
As Easter arrives, we are reminded again of the profound and inspiring message of the power of God’s love for us. We are asked to share that love, to give it to all, to become channels of God’s love, hope and forgiveness to the world. To remember the sacrifices of the great Masters for every soul, “naughty or good” as Master so endearingly put it. Everyone is loved, everyone is worthy of that love. Even when it appears otherwise.
“A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you…” John 13:34
“Be kind and tenderhearted to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ, God forgave you.” Eph. 4:32
“I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.“ Matt. 28:20
“I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.“ Matt. 28:20
Thanks, Umaji! ????
Dearest Uma,
Such deep devotion and inspiration come from you. Thank you for bringing the Easter Season alive with all its glory.
Hanuman and Mari