Ananda Yoga is a classical style of Hatha Yoga that uses asana and pranayama to awaken, experience, and begin to control the subtle energies (prana) within oneself, especially the energies of the chakras.
Its object is to use those energies to harmonize body, mind, and emotions, and above all to attune oneself with higher levels of awareness. One unique feature of this system is the use of silent affirmations while in the asanas as a means of working more directly and consciously with the subtle energies to achieve this attunement.
The practice of Ananda Yoga involves both the study of the precise alignment of the individual positions (asanas practiced in a static manner) and the practice of fluid and dynamic yoga (vinyasa).
Ananda Yoga is a relatively inward experience not an athletic practice. It was developed by Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi.
“The yoga postures are designed to promote and to harmonize the
flow of energy in the body. The perceptive hatha yogi, understanding this truth, will endeavor to become conscious of his energy, and will use the postures and breathing exercises as a means primarily to developing this awareness. For awareness is the first and most important stage towards gaining control.”

Ananda Yoga brings the science of hatha yoga back to its original purpose: transcending the limitations of the physical body in order to enter into higher awareness as it brings the body, mind, and spirit into mutual harmony.
The primary goal of Ananda Yoga is to increase our awareness and to raise our consciousness.
“We find that the whole system of hatha yoga is a very important tool for reminding us of our inner nature, and for strengthening that nature. Through increased awareness, we gradually become aware of the body on a spiritual level. Eventually we become aware of spirit without the body“.
— Swami Kriyananda
Ananda Yoga brings us to our calm, inner center, where we find the wellspring of peace, inner strength, and mental clarity. Ananda Yoga sessions use the movements of the yoga postures as a means to relax the body and, more importantly, to bring the mind to a state of calmness. Rather than emphasizing the perfect performance of a posture, Ananda Yoga pays close attention to our state of mind while we assume the posture, while we are holding it, when we return from it, and during the periods between one movement and the next. We discover that hatha yoga is not really about physical movements, but about conscious movement that leads to perfect stillness.
The Use of Affirmations
Ananda Yoga is as concerned with mental attitude as with physical postures. Physical tension, stiffness, muscle tightness all come from corresponding mental states of stress, inflexibility, and intolerance. Physical ailments are often caused by such psychological states as fear, anxiety, resentment, and judgmentalism.
In Ananda Yoga, mental affirmations are combined with each posture. The affirmation is repeated throughout the posture, like a mantra, enabling the thought-seed to penetrate deeply into the mind. The physical stretch is thus enhanced by an expansion of mental outlook. The result is a gradual change of mental attitude that makes the physical benefits of yoga more lasting. The body is thus used as an instrument through which we can directly and powerfully influence our mind and our mental habits.

- Offer the universal teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda and Swami Kriyananda, as they apply to yoga. The ultimate goal is “Ananda”: inner bliss.
- Provide a high standard and professional Yoga Teachers Training, creating excellent teachers who hep to spread light in our society.
- Spread knowledge of how yoga helps to achieve radiant health.
- Explore the almost infinite potential of the mind and applying it to the postures.
- Elevate the Soul, making concrete steps toward Self-realization.
- Help to unite modern science and ancient spirituality.
- Take practitioners on the universal path of inner elevation: IN and UP.
- Enjoy the freedom from all dogmatism.
- Find happiness in the happiness of others. Students are more important than the school.
- Create a magnetism as yogic family, of expansive joy, love, harmony, inspiration and personal freedom, all lived with authenticity and spontaneity.
The European School of Ananda Yoga offers two possibilities for training in Hatha Yoga classic:
- One for experienced practitioners who want to take a path of personal and professional growth and become TEACHERS.
- One for practitioners or for those wishing to broaden or deepen the study and knowledge of Hatha Yoga (philosophy, anatomy, pranayama, bandha, routines).