Your generous contribution is like a ripple, which when joined with others, creates a wave of blessings that touches souls throughout Europe and the world.

With your generous contribution you can choose to support:


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Ananda Sangha Europa is dedicated to spreading the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, his universal, non-sectarian message of Self-realization, and the practices of Kriya Yoga. It is the place where truth-seekers find support, inspiration and spiritual family.

Your generous donation will enable Sangha to:

  • Improve the technical quality of our services and expand the online programs and courses;
  • Create a dynamic Online Spiritual Family;
  • Enable Ananda teachers and ministers to give conferences, seminars, retreats and initiations in cities throughout Europe;
  • Expand Sangha’s support for Kriyabans, Disciples and Meditation Groups with online and in-person satsangs, guided practices and counseling

The Temple of Joy

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The Temple of Joy is dedicated to the teachings of Self-realization, brought to the Western world by Paramhansa Yogananda and widely disseminated by his direct disciple, Swami Kriyananda.

This Temple will host seminars and conferences on the path and practices of Kriya Yoga, meditation, Ananda Yoga, courses, retreats, satsangs and sacred ceremonies, as well as live broadcasts to bring joy, upliftment and hope to people around the world. The experience of Divine Joy is our wish for every truthseeker.

Your donation helps to continue and complete soon the Third Phase of construction that consists mainly of creating the wooden structure and roof that supports the upper floor. And then go forward to enclose the structure by the end of this year.

Community Development

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Ananda communities are concrete manifestations of Yogananda’s ideal of “world brotherhood colonies, which he describes as: "places where family, friends, job, and general environment all would conduce to spiritual development: in short, a spiritual village, or world brotherhood colony.”...”The day will come," he predicted, "when this idea will spread through the world like wildfire...and will become an important pattern of life in the future”.

These communities today are serving a troubled world as models, inspirations and oases for a better way of living.

The residents of Ananda Assisi are fully dedicated and engaged in creating this model of spiritual community living, which has developed over the past years and is now in an important and dynamic phase of expansion.

Your donation to Community Development will serve to:

  • Support the acquisition of 75 hectares of land surrounding the Temple of Joy;
  • Expand the sustainable agricultural cultivation;
  • Develop residential areas;
  • Help other communities develop along the lines of this model.

Kriya Sangha

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Your donation to Kriya Sangha supports the online weekly and monthly Kriya activities, the recording and broadcasting equipment and technicians, bringing awareness and information about Kriya to spiritual seekers throughout Europe, the website and its constantly increasing archive of video, audio and written materials for Kriyabans, and to some extent the support of people who serve in the Kriya Sangha.

For further information, and to learn how you can leave a legacy for the continuation into the future of Yogananda’s legacy, click here. And if you would like to actively serve Yogananda’s work with your time, talents and resources click here to see the possibilities.

THANK YOU for you loving donation. As Yogananda says:
“The instrument is blessed by that which flows through it.”

Read a testimonial of gratitude
Divine Mother, May Thy love shine forever on the sanctuary of my devotion And may I be able to awaken Thy love in all hearts.