Dear Beloved Ananda Family and Friends,

Let me introduce myself, I am devotee and a student of the Ananda Life Therapy school at Ananda Assisi.

As winter melts away, I have been eagerly awaiting the Ananda program schedule so that I can move closer to the end of my studies, but more importantly, to find myself once again at Ananda, my spiritual home.

And, like many if not all of us who are connected to Ananda, I had to confront a moment of disappointment in receiving the news that Ananda Assisi is closed, as are other Ananda centers the world over during this trying time of a global health crisis.

Yet, true to the nature of this, our collective spiritual path, the door of the Ananda heart has not shut to any of us.  Even though we may not be resident community members, our Ananda family has consciously chosen to remain in a state of expansive energy and to continue to include us, devotees around the world in Satsang.  Ananda continues as always, to be a living example of Masters teachings.

While watching recordings of Ananda activities on-line has been a part of my everyday life for many years now, I find being connected real-time all that much more powerful.  Since the moment that I recognized Ananda as my spiritual family, I have known and appreciated that Ananda is serving to uplift human consciousness day in and day out. It’s of great solace to realize that as the sun rises and sets over this magnificent blue planet, that not a moment goes by when somewhere in the world, Ananda is at work for the benefit of us all.

In participating to Ananda’s live activities live during this moment of global trial, I am drawn into an ever-deeper state of reverence for the mission of our Master’s, Swamiji and Ananda and for their unfailing devotion to us all. I am humbled to be a part of this family of self-realization.

As an expression of my desire to serve in kind, I am inspired to send grassroots call out to ALL of us who value what we receive from Ananda, so please receive this message as a call to action!

I pray that you will join me in this spirit of gratitude and generosity and that we will all find it in our hearts to offer back to the Ananda communities the world over in the form of our financial contributions to Ananda Sangha.

However big, however small I am certain that our donations will help Ananda continue to touch our lives and the lives of truth seekers everywhere during this time when we cannot be physically together.

In Divine Friendship,

a devotee.