Ananda’s presence in Europe is and will be an important factor in helping to uplift the consciousness of the continent and of the planet. If you would like to share in the joy of serving in this mission, let us know by filling out the form below. Feel free to select the ways that you wish to contribute and then click the Submit button. You can also add other ways in which you feel inspired to serve.

One thing that most people comment on when visiting an Ananda community is the sense of spiritual friendship and mutual sharing. Every person in the family is important, unique, and cherished for the special ways in which they express God. Each person serves and is served by the whole.

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Service is ennobling. It is a way of offering our human littleness into the great Reality that is God…Spiritual service lies particularly in the consciousness one brings to one’s actions, rather than in the actions themselves.

— Swami Kriyananda