Heal Yourself with Prana - book launch with Shivani: the story behind the first volume of her trilogy
"Healing with Life Force, Volume One: Prana", is released by Crystal Clarity Publishers, USA. The story behind the book: The power of healing is the property of every individual soul. These are the words of Paramhansa Yogananda, whose teachings and techniques for healing ourselves and others I have compiled in the trilogy Healing with Life Force. My name is Nayaswami Shivani, and I'm thrilled to invite you to watch this video as we explore the treasures to be found in Volume One of the trilogy: Healing with Prana. For the past months I have been presenting these books in India. Recently I was having lunch in a café in Mumbai where the books are displayed. A distinguished woman came to my table and told me her experience. For many years she has been using healing practices to keep herself well, with good result. But she always felt there must be some power that underlies all of them. When she saw the title of the book, LIFE FORCE she knew that this is the power she was seeking. We can harness this healing power, using simple and effective techniques developed by Yogananda to keep ourselves strong, healthy and well prepared to meet the challenges of daily life. In this video we do some of these practices together and you can experience for yourself their effects. From my own experience over the past 50 years, and the experience of the many people whose stories are included in the book, I can attest to the truth of this affirmation: I am strong, I am well! I am a flowing river of boundless poser and energy. Let's embark together on this extraordinary journey to greater vitality, mental clarity, and spiritual awakening.
Purchase Healing with Life Force https://www.crystalclarity.com/products/healing-with-life-force-volume-1-prana Recorded March 18th 2024. #yogananda #paramhansayogananda #paramahansayogananda #autobiographyofayogi #healing #prana #healingenergy