Dear friends,

What we are going to see this month is a very important point because, as Swami Kriyananda says: “How much energy we waste in trying to wish away the inevitable!

  1. They accept without prejudice whatever life gives them, and live by the principle, “What comes of itself, let it come.”

If we understand that everything comes to us to help us grow and expand, and that behind every trial there is the loving hand of the divine Mother supporting us, then it may be easier to accept without tension what life presents to us from time to time.


“What comes of itself, let it come.

Attachments keep you ever fearful. The more a person’s body-consciousness expands – to include such things as a sense of possessions, a concern for one’s reputation, a sense of personal power or importance – the greater the likelihood of feeling fear.

Fearlessness, on the other hand, comes from releasing those attachments – quite possibly in their reverse order – into the infinite: the desire for personal importance; the desire for power or control over anything or anyone; the desire to be well thought of, admired, and respected above others; attachment to possessions; attachment to bodily health and well-being; and, finally, identification of one’s self with the body.

Fearlessness comes with perfect non-attachment. It is a natural attitude for those who feel they have nothing to protect. Learn to accept with an unruffled mind whatever comes. I often say, “What comes of itself, let it come.” This is just as true for the bad things in life as for the good.

When I was young I practiced watching myself as from the outside: eating, bathing, walking, carrying out my responsibilities, and so on. This practice felt a bit strange at first, but in the end, it gave me a wonderful sense of freedom and non-attachment.

Paramhansa Yogananda – Clarity Magazine Archives 2009-2015 » 2013 Fall Clarity Magazine » Strategies for Overcoming Fear

“What comes of itself let it come”

Detachment also means accepting whatever comes and being grateful for it. It means not wishing that certain things happen or not happen; not wishing you could have this thing or that. Yogananda beautifully described acceptance when he said, “What comes of itself, let it come.” Accept not only what comes, but also what doesn’t come.

Though often difficult, expressing gratitude for our karma is an important aspect of changing it. Paramhansa Yogananda explained that Jesus Christ was referring to how we can change our karma when he said, “And to him that smites you on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that takes away your cloak forbid not to take your coat also.”

(Luke 6:39.) When seemingly bad karma comes, accept it with gratitude and say: “Thank you — I welcome it!” Welcoming bad karma is not easy, but as we learn to control the reactive process we begin to understand that all karmic tests are truly for our benefit.

Controlling the reactive process means catching yourself when you first start to have a negative reaction. If you can catch yourself at that moment it is easier to neutralize the karma.

Jyotish Novak  – Clarity Magazine Archives 2009-2015 » 2011 Summer Clarity Magazine » The Keys To Changing Your Karma 

Letter from Mila – Pilgrim 

For me, the principle of accepting everything that life gives me is a deep trust in God or the Divine Mother. She knows exactly what I need. And even if the experience that comes into my life is quite vulnerable and painful, I always understand that it is for the good. No matter how many times I went through tough trials, the result was always such a release and the Joy of overcoming.  It’s like entering a new level of consciousness.  It’s such a magical feeling that sometimes when things go too smoothly, I start to doubt if I’m doing everything right. 

When you allow things to happen naturally, watching where the energy flows, what the Universe wants to tell you, life becomes much more relaxed and peaceful. You learn to trust the process of life and God.

This is freedom – to be in full agreement with what is happening. 

After all, nothing that we do not deserve can happen to us. And sometimes it is better to pass the ordeal, so as not to postpone it for another time.

I walk with deep faith in the power of omnipresent goodness to bring me everything I need when I need it.

This affirmation was given by Swamiji! It has become my life motto.