What is Meditation?

The essential attitude for correct meditation is one of listening. The difference between prayer and meditation is that in prayer we talk to God, whereas in meditation we listen for His answer.

Swami Kriyananda
Meditation is listening. It is listening not only with the ear, but with the soul – not only to sound, but to the silent language of inspiration. Swami Kriyananda, Awaken to Superconciousnes

Benefits of Meditation

The practice of meditation has existed for millennia; we must say that anything still around after so much time must be working! All aspects of life―work, relationships, or mental, physical and emotional health―will be improved by meditation.

Physical Benefits

  • has a significant effect on symptoms of aging
  • enhanced control over the autonomic nervous system
  • physical size and structure of the brain changes
  • Meditation can reduce and control blood pressure
  • decreases oxygen consumption, heart rate, and respiratory rate changes that are the opposite of those that occur during the stress response
  • helps with insomnia

Mental Benefits

  • restore energy levels better than a nap or simple relaxation
  • helps people make positive lifestyle changes
  • helps regulate emotions
  • enabling people to get along better

Spiritual Benefits

  • restore energy levels better than a nap or simple relaxation
  • helps people make positive lifestyle changes
  • helps regulate emotions
  • enabling people to get along better
Meditation is the necessary complement of prayer. Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening for His answer. Without both of these ingredients, divine conversation is impossible. Swami Kriyananda
Swami Kriyananda

Meditation Technique
Watching the Breath

Learn to Meditate

Learn meditation techniques based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the spiritual treasure Autobiography of a Yogi.

Groups and Centers

Meditation Course Online

Meditation Courses In-Person

Kriya Yoga

The Airplane Route to Self-Realization

Our Advanced Meditation Technique

Mahavatar Babaji's Kriya Yoga Techniques brought to the west by Paramhansa Yogananda

The effectiveness of Kriya is based on the connection between the physical breath and the “astral breath.” By increasing the awareness of that connection, and by stimulating the energy in the astral spine, the Kriya Yogi gradually gains control of that energy. Control of the life force is called pranayama. When yogis gain control of the life force in the astral spine, they can direct that energy to the brain and the spiritual eye. That step is essential to Self-realization and enlightenment.

Paramhansa Yogananda